The Home Improvements And Builders Show, Wadebridge

Lit-Art continued to receive much praise and exclamations of "wows" and smiles of delight.

I'm inspired by the people I met, from Interior designers to builders and the ideas they had, one lady has asked me to design a splash back for her new kitchen - brilliant! As I write this, a finished version of the prototype bar table is being produced along with a circular frame for port hole style (image below) Lit-Art wall hanging units. I look forward to sending the photos to you as soon as they are finished.

I've attached a video of the 'Under Water ' Lit-Art unit. I hope you enjoy watching as the changing colours also change the composition. My message is all about embracing change, as, in the ways of change we find our direction through life.


"The Porthleven" Lit-Art Bar Table

